Soaps are great, right? They smell lovely, they get most of the dirt off, and they’re so easy to use. But did you know that soap is made with toxic chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate or parabens?

It’s time to ditch the soap! SomSanjeevani Ubtan Powder , a natural powder that beautifies skin is here. If you want a pretty complexion, this should be in your skin care routine. SomSanjeevani Ubtan powder can help prevent ageing and keep your skin healthy. It makes hands soft, glowing and well-maintained. It also works fast to get rid of tanning on your hands after a long day out in the sun. So don’t wait any longer; head over to our store right away and buy .

Scrubbing with a pumice stone is old fashioned nowadays. SomSanjeevani Ubtan Powder as they are called in India, are not just a cleaner but serve as beauty soothers too. Mix some SomSanjeevani Ubtan Powder with water to make your own hygienic face and body wash. Scrub away all the dirt and treat yourself with some softness by giving your skin a nice deep-cleansing treatment! Ubtan is a cleanser used in ayurveda, which is the traditional Indian medicine.


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